Area Head


  • At least 5 years of experience as Senior Branch Manager or Area Head

  • Knowledgeable in Branch Marketing or Sales Strategies

  • With significant portfolio in the assigned area

Job Schedule:

  • Full-time; Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • At least 2 Saturdays in a month for Seminars, Trainings, and Workshops

Job Description:

  1. Approves the requests/reports of Branch Operations Officers (BOOs):

  2. Approves SBU expenses beyond the authority of the BOO as per Policy on Approving
    Authority (POAA)

  3. Reviews the following monthly reports of SBUs prior to submission to the BBG Head
    for consolidation:

    1. Statement of Income and Expense (SIE)

    2. Accomplishment Report

  4. Conducts monthly meetings

  5. Strategizes and plans on how to achieve targets of SBUs under his oversight

  6. Other operational concerns needed immediate resolution and disposition


Risk and Information Security Officer

